Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Motivation- The Weekend Trap

It's half way through the week and I know a lot of us are starting to look forward to the weekend. Time to relax, have fun and probably indulge a little more than you should.  If you are working so hard all week to be healthy...why are you going to go and mess it all up just because it is a Saturday or Sunday.  Those two S words are just what they say...another DAY!  

So as the weekend approaches us, take a little time to plan out how you are going to get your workouts in and eat just like it's any other day.  If you have parties or events that you will be attending here are a few tips to stay on track;

1.  Eat right before you leave for the event.  You never want to go out starving...if you do you will surely indulge!

2. Get some idea for what will be served.  If you know that you are going to a sit-down dinner with another couple, pull up the restaurants menu and see what healthy options they have available. If there is nothing, all restaurants can make you a grilled chicken salad, dressing on the side. 

3.  What if it is a liquid-only kind of night?  First- be safe, Second- start with a glass of water and have them stick a lime in it for looks. Then the rest of night stick to wine or a diet soda/liquor drink and have a glass of water every once and awhile.  The high calorie drinks are anything fruity or my all time favorite-margaritas. 
And if you are the kind to eat everything in the refrigerator when you get home from a night of drinking, pre-plan your healthy snacks and have them waiting for you to polish off at 3 o'clock in the morning!

4. Bar-b-q's and picnic type of outings are easy.  Stick to protein (non-fried), veggies and fruit. Oh, and don't forget your sunscreen.

5. Last but not least- don't forget to break a sweat at least one day this weekend.  Get outside and enjoy the weather or go to the gym for quick calorie burn.  The other day is a rest day.  The weekend is not a time to slack!

So what ever it is you have planned today to do this weekend, put a little extra planning in to it.  Make sure all those hours this week of hard work and sweat aren't erased by one night on the town!

1 comment:

  1. I love to go out, and I've been spot on about not drinking at all when I do! Competition preparation!
