Wednesday, July 25, 2012

5 Foods

Here are 5 foods I feel that everyone should have in the their diets at one time or another. 

Blueberries-  They are packed with Vitamin C, antioxidants, low in calories and delicious.  If you are looking to add fruit into your diet, berries is where you should start.  1 cup of blueberries has 80 calories, less than 1 gram of fat, 20 carbs and 1 g of protein. 

How to eat?  Throw half a cup of berries in your morning oatmeal, or have them as a quick snack with some protein to satisfy your sweet tooth the healthy way.

Olive Oil-  YES it is a fat and YES you have to have it in moderation, but it's good for you.  It is rich in monounsaturated fat (the good-for-you fat) and antioxidants.  It is also known to have anti-inflammatory properties.  

How to eat OO? Drizzle a 1/2 tbsp over your salad with a tbsp of Balsamic Vinegar for a flavorful dressing. But make sure to measure because a tbsp has 120 calories and 
14g of fat.  

Sweet Potato-  I love the sweet potato.  Of all the carbohydrates I've been able to eat during my training, it is the one that saved me from gnawing at my arms from hunger.  This potato is very low in saturated fat and sodium. It's a great source of Vitamin B6, A, C and Potassium...and it tastes great!

How to Eat?  Grill in foil, bake in foil, microwave, slice into round chips and bake or my all-time favorite cut into fries and bake with your OO and some salt & pepper (you don't even need the OO).  To add some flavor while grilling or baking, sprinkle some cinnamon (no sugar) over the potato- delish!

Quinoa- Pronounced Keen-wah, this is a super grain.  Quinoa compared to a lot of other grains has a high protein content. In one cup there is 220 calories, 4 gram of fat, 39 carbs and 8 grams of protein.  It has a light texture and a mild nutty flavor. Once again, this food is packed with antioxidants, high in magnesium and iron, it is considered a complete protein. This is a great source of protein for vegetarians or vegans.

How to Eat? You can have Quinoa for breakfast mixed with honey, berries or almonds. For lunch or dinner, you can get creative by adding chopped up veggies to make your own Qunioa salads.

Last but not least....

Asparagus- Yes it makes your pee smell funny, but it might be one of the best vegetables for you! Those funny looking stems are packing with nutrients including fiber, folate, potassium, Vitamins A, C, E and K.  It's a great side-dish for your lean protein dinners.  For one cup of asparagus you will ingest 40 calories, 0 grams of fat, 8 carbs and 4 grams of protein.

How to Eat?  Always buy asparagus fresh. Cut the ends and spread them on a baking sheet, drizzle with your OO, salt, pepper and bake for 20 minutes @ 350.  You can also grill or steam your asparagus. 

These are all mainly side dishes that I highly recommend you incorporate into your daily meals.  Make sure to pair with lean meats and plenty of water! 

Hope your having a Healthy & Fit day,


  1. Thanks for this list! I'm def going to add all these to my shopping list. And it's vegetarian friendly so I can eat it all :-)

  2. Valarie, thanks for reading and I'm glad I can help! I will have some special writings on Vegetarian meals in August. :)

  3. All really great foods. I would recommend them too!
