Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Help support the fight against Childhood Obesity

I hope that everyone has recovered from holiday festivities 
and are back on track.

I, myself, did not partake in any beer guzzling, but I did have the chance to watch many of my friends partake and it was hilarious!  
Happy Birthday America. :-D

I am using this entry to bring awareness to childhood obesity. I hope you can take a moment and click on this link.

Ayla is a friend of mine and is one of the most dedicated people to health and fitness I've ever met (and I've met a lot).  She is taking it a step further by raising money for the Alliance for a Healthier Generation as she trains for the Chicago Marathon.  As you will read on her page, 'The Alliance's goal is to reduce the prevalence of childhood obesity and empower kids to develop lifelong, healthy habits.  This is a true passion on mine and I hope you can help.  If you aren't able to donate, please take the time to pass the message along'.

To learn more about the Allicance click here --->

Thank you so much for anything you can do and GOOD LUCK AYLA!! 


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Take it to the street- VIDEO!

Hey Fit Friends!

Here is a quick video of my workout from this morning.  Give a look and give it a try sometime this or next week.  I would love to hear back from you and let me know if you have any questions!

A review

10 20 sec sprints with a 40 second rest
(PLEASE take more time to recover if you need it!)



Jump Squats
Wide Jumps
Alien or Shuffle jumps
Sumo Squats

3 times round!
Elbow planks 20 sec
Mountain Climbers 15 sec 

Get after it!!