Friday, August 3, 2012

Hello August...Hello Sexy

My favorite August exercises for the 6 main body parts to help get that sexy body you want
- Legs, Booty, Back, Abs, Arms & Shoulders -


Dumbbell Split Squats

Get in the stance of a regular lunge with one dumbbell in each hand.  Caution on the side of lighter weight if this is a new exercise for you. Some pointers for proper form for the SS

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*Keep you back straight
*Abs stay tight throughout the movement
*Bend both knees and lower straight down but DO NOT touch your back knee to the floor- it should hover the ground
*When lowered, your front knee should not go over your toes
*Lift back up pushing through your front heel and back toe box

That is a Split Squat!

Variations- non weighted split squat and jump squats 


Cable kick backs- This is one of my all time FAVORITES for the booty.

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 Attach a small hand attachment to the lower section of a pulley machine. Wrap the ankle strap around your right ankle. Step away from the machine and hold on to a handle or the upright machine  Keeping your leg straight, smoothly kick your heel backward about one foot. Hold your leg at the top of this movement for a one-count and repeat with the left leg.

*Keep this exercise smooth and controlled
*Concentrate on squeezing your glute

Variation- Cable kick back on a bench


Wide Grip Pulldowns

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This is going to help you get that sexy V shape.  This is a wide grip (4-6 inches out from your shoulders) and you pull the bar to the top of your chest.

*Keep you back straight
*Your abs tight
*Pull straight down to your upper chest keeping your head forward
*Some people lean back slightly- this is okay if you have a strong core
*Don't swing-this isn't about momentum

The Plank
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The plank is an simple and effective exercise if performed properly.  It is imagining your body as a plank while propped up on your elbows. 

*Start in a push up and carefully lower yourself to your elbows
* Make your body straight as a board
*Do not raise your butt in the air or lower your hips to the ground
*Hold this position for 30 seconds rest for 30 and repeat


Cable Tricep extension super set with a Seated Bicep curl 


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Put the cable at the highest level with a straight bar connected.  With an overhand grip on the bar, lower your elbows to your sides, this is where they stay the whole exercise. Extend your arms down and back up to a 90 degree angle.

*Keep your elbows by your sides
*Don't rock your body, stay in control

With no Rest go to a seated bench and pick up your dumbbells


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Sit down on the bench and put your back up against the seat.
Hang your arms down by your sides, once again keep your arms by your sides throughout the entire exercise. Curl up and squeeze your biceps and lower back down- repeat.

*Keep in control and don't swing the weights.


Seated Overhead Press

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You can perform this exercise wit dumbbells or a barbell.  Sitting on a bench raise your dumbbells to a 90 degree angle coming out from your shoulders.  Push weights into the air and lower back down.  Your body will naturally lean a bit forward to keep balance as you lift and return as you lower the weights. 

*Very important to keep your abs tight
*Back straight

Variation- Standing Overhead Press

Those are my favorite August exercises for you to incorporate into your workouts.  The sets and reps all depend on your level of fitness but I would start with 3 sets of 10 reps.

Keep good form, pair with cardio and a clean diet- hello sexy body!

Live, Laugh & ROCK it! 

1 comment:

  1. Alright! August exercises. I'm still waiting on that post about the class that combines yoga, pilates, and dance! (I think that is what you said anyway)
