A little background: I travel a lot. Anyone that is a part of my life or follows me on twitter, knows that I am constantly on the go. I move on average 3-4 times a year and in between moves, I travel at least once a month....I have experience! Travel is the easiest way to stray off your fit path and also one of the easiest ways to make excuses to have a cheat here and there. I want to share what I do every time I'm on the go, to make sure that that doesn't happen.
It is all about PREPERATION. Depending on my travel, the first thing I do is look at how long it is going to take me to get there and my mode of transportation.
If it is one day of flying, I make my meals the night before and package them in ziplock bags. I always travel with a cooler, mine is a backpack cooler that I love because it is hands-free. I pack everything in my cooler the morning of and I'm prepared - ready to go. It is like any other day, with my meals cooked and ready for me when I'm hungry. TIP: You are not allowed to travel with cooler packs, so I throw in a couple bags of peas to keep the food chilled.
If it is 2 or more days and I am staying in a hotel, there are a couple more steps to take. When I book my hotel, I make sure that my hotel has a refrigerator and microwave. I will not stay in a hotel that doesn't have refrigerators because I eat natural foods that need to be chilled or they will go bad. The food prep is the same, just a larger quanitity. The batch of second (or more) day meals, I freeze over night because they will have to last longer. Same as above, I pack and go. The first thing I do when I get to the hotel is upack my food and get it into the refrigerator. TIP: I freeze the meals that I wont eat that day and every night take them out and put them in the refrigerator to start defrosting.
The last travel senerio: Road Warrior! This is what my family calls me since I have driven from D.C to Austin, Austin to Clearwater, Clearwater to Allentown, all in the last year- I think it's fitting! I think driving is the most dangerous mode of transporation for the opportunity to cheat. You HAVE to stop to get gas, you HAVE to stop to go to the bathroom, so you HAVE to go into the convient stores that have all these yummy, sugar and sodium loaded snacks calling your name. JUST SAY NO! If you have your food in your cooler next to you in the car, you don't need anything else. Stay on your meal plan and if you need an energy boost, don't reach for the gummy bears, do a couple jumping jacks or stretches (you will be happier about 60 minutes later when you're not suffering from a sugar crash). I am a coffee junkie, so I do have a couple black javas on the road, but no snacks, cokes or junk.
Also, for those of you that don't like freezing your food or eating food that has been prepared the day before, there is an option for you. It is a little more of a hassle, but you can buy a poratable grill (I've seen them at Target) or a George Foreman like contraption and bring it with you. This means that you need to make sure there is a grocery store close to where you are staying to pick up your food and cook it in your room. If you are squeemy about food, this is a great option for you. Another FIT TIP: Prepare healthy snacks, like natrual trail mixes or fruits, to have on hand if the temptation gets too overwhelming.
Don't let traveling be the reason why you can't continue on your healthy and fit journey. Be prepared and you shouldn't have any reasons to stray.
Thank you for reading and please leave feedback or contact me with questions!
Live, laugh and Rock it friends!!
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